Dekstop IDEs

Visual Studio – Working with Code

Alt+Enter or Ctrl+. for generating functions for example for declaration F12 go to definition Ctrl+K+O switch between header and source Ctrl+Space autocomplete Ctrl+- go back Ctrl+Shift+- go forward Ctrl+D duplicate line Shift+Del delete line and place it in the clipboard Ctrl+Shift+V clipboard with clipboard history in VS Alt+Up or Down move a code line

Dekstop IDEs

Visual Studio Back and forth

Use the Ctrl+Shift+- to move forward Ctrl+- to move back.

Dekstop IDEs

Add Include Directories and Libraries to Visual Studio

To add Include paths and Libraries     To Link the Library This will fix these errors Copy DLL Files Add XCOPY “$(SolutionDir)SDL2-2.0.12\lib\x86\*.DLL” “$(TargetDir)” /D /K /Y To

Dekstop IDEs

Qt Creator Tricks

When debugging Press F9 to toggle a breakpoint In the breakpoint view press Space to disable the breakpoint which is selected You can do the same via the contextual menu but this is slower