Official link index.php Used when the blog page of the website is opened front-page.php Used when the front page of the website is opened 404.php Used when the page or URL is not found on the website archive.php Used when posts from a category, tag or something else are displayed as an archive comments.php […]
Category: Wordpress
WordPress API WordPress API Dashboard widgets Database HTTP API Filesystem Global Variables Metadata Options Plugins Quicktags REST API Rewrite Settings Shortcode Theme Modification Transients XML-RPC
The value of get_theme_mod can be found and customized via the Customizer Click the Customize button at the top left corner when you browse the website
To display only the excerpt of the post and not the whole content find: the_content in the theme Here is documentation about the_content Change it to the_excerpt. Here is documentation Adding Read more to an excerpts function excerpt_readmore($more) { return ‘… <a href=”‘. get_permalink($post->ID) . ‘” class=”readmore”>’ . ‘Read More’ . ‘</a>’; […]
WordPress Plugins
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Default shortcuts, Ctrl + letter: Letter Action Letter Action u Underline b Bold i Italic x Cut c Copy v Paste a Select all z Undo y Redo k Insert/edit link Additional shortcuts, Shift + Alt + letter: Letter Action Letter Action 1 Heading 1 2 Heading 2 3 Heading 3 4 Heading 4 5 […]